About Space
Lume Media Centre
Helsinki, Finland 2006 At Media Centre Lume I
exhibited works dealing with the perception of space.
These were my reflections of the space were they were
themselves presented. My goal was for the viewer to focus
on the room itself by observing this collection of works:
two videos, a wood sculpture, a drawing and a wall
composition of milk film. The works revealed themselves
to the viewer only after concentrated perception of
space. In order to appreciate the poetic nature of these
works, it was essential to move throughout, using the
entire body, not just ones eyes. The viewers
experience of space became the content of the works.
The exhibition consisted of five works:
I A Study of Sequentiality of Light in Space
2005, video
II A study of Light as Structure 2005, video
Both videos were shot in the gallery space in the summer
of 2005. Videos follow the movement of light in space by
revealing the way in which light shapes both the space
and our perceptions of it.
III Structure, 2006, sculpture installation
IV Shadow, 2006, filmtape on wall
The work describes one shadow in June 2005 on the wall
V Kiln, 2006, drawing
The shape of the floor in Media Centre Lume is like a
gently sloping bridge. You cannot easily notice the
changes of height in the floor level if you do not pay
attention to the resistance it causes in your body while
walking on it. The floor hides an old kiln of the Arabia
ceramics factory that is over 10 meters long. Not many
people know this. The drawing is like a map of the
foundations of the gallery space. By doing this, I added
a subconscious layer to the dark wooden floor.