Nina Rantala




We are all Animals
Community Art Project
st and 2nd forms of Pyhä Primary School
Mietoinen, Finland 2016–2018

We are all Animals is project about empathy and empathizing. We are all Animals is also a continuation of my former work Remembrance of Landscapes Past. Here too the objective is for the subjects to observe and become conscious of their own environment. I was working with 7-8 year-old children, but instead of noticing changes in the landscape we examined the environment through the animals the children identified with. I had around 25 meetings with the children during autumn 2016 and autumn 2018. As in my earlier project, the children all come from the built-up countryside.

We set out by studying and empathising with different animals. We considered this in relation to the children’s own environment and the places they considered to be important. We compared animal territories to the children’s own home grounds. I asked them to think which animal they would like to be. Then we began building scale models of their own gardens and so on. Half way through the project the children chose which animal they wish to be. Partly with the children’s help, I made animal costumes and masks. I also made costumes for the teacher and myself. I think costumes as extended or conversational sculpture.

During the spring, we told stories together and deepened our ideas about what their chosen animals would make of their habitat. The project culminated in a jointly planned two day forest excursion with games, storytelling, self-produced sounds and songs. The forest was taken over by a flying squirrel, fox, buzzard, wolf, hare, bat, beaver, squirrel, bear, dragonfly, golden eagle, tiger, lynx, reindeer and toad.

The project involved twelve children from the 1st and 2nd forms of the small rural primary school of Pyhe. In the end of the project they were at 3rd and 4th forms. The project was carried out as part of the new curriculum and multidisciplinary learning. I feel that in addition this, the project also fulfilled many of the key objectives of environmental education.

As the We are all Animals project was time-specific, recording it for future presentation and authentication was of crucial importance. The performativity of the excursion and working with children places its own demands on photographic recording. The work was photographed by photographer Yehia Eweis.

The project was a continuation of other artworks like True Romance 2006, Structures Going by 2004 and of the Remembrance of Landscapes Past one which I carried out as Community Artist at the Saari Residence in 2008-2010. All of them are about looking your life as part of your surroundings.

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